Thursday, September 17, 2009

WELCOME ME ( A note to all )

Welcome Jeo, you did it! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Hello Guys,

This is it. I am now starting my new post as a blogger. But Err!! nothing comes out in my mind. It is really hard to post the first one especially when you are a first timer. Of all my classmates, I think I will be their first blogger (although they knew me very much that I'm addicted to net surfing). They will really surprise and wonder what is installed here in the blog world. But hey, I'm talking that much long. This post will just allow to give way myself in the blog world. I've been planning this too long but it took me a lot of efforts of planning name, the settings and what will be my posts here in my blog. But still this isn't finalized yet, I am just being excited to be in this exciting world of sharing your personal life, and interests to others.

To start my blog this month, I will be featuring my achievements I had this year. As 2009 place to be my lucky year as a lot of memories and happenings that had happened in my life and to my family. To be exact, I am a June 2009 Nursing Board Passer. Yeah I did it! So expect for more to come. I will leave this post as putting up my brief autobiography so that you will know the man behind this SURUYAN SA USA KA NARS! blog site.
Jeo (the blogger)

Name: Junroe Rio Oliguer

Nickname: Jeo

Age: 21 years old and counting

Sex: Male

Career: Nurse

Interests: Outdoor activities, friends, music, blogging, facebook, friendster, singing, dancing and others still to be discovered.

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